Ruslan Malynovskyi: "The conversation was in high tones, we heard a lot of 'good' words"

2024-06-19 16:37 Ukraine midfielder Ruslan Malynovskyi answered journalists' questions about the national team's game at Euro 2024 during ... Ruslan Malynovskyi: "The conversation was in high tones, we heard a lot of 'good' words"
19.06.2024, 16:37

Ukraine midfielder Ruslan Malynovskyi answered journalists' questions about the national team's game at Euro 2024 during today's press conference.

Ruslan Malinowski

-What was the main reason for the defeat in the match against Romania?

- We have just arrived from a theoretical class where we analyzed that match. The reason: many components, episodes decide the outcome of the match. I believe that we need to improve our off-field moments - desire, fight, teamwork.

We have analyzed it now, and I hope we will draw the right conclusions for the next matches and play different football. There was a theory, during which very important things were said. Now it is important to transfer this to the training process, and then to the matches.

- After the match with Romania, the players of the Ukrainian national team talked to each other. Didyou feel the effect of this conversation?

- The conversation was in high tones, one hundred percent. But what we talked about in the locker room after the match will remain between us in the locker room. The most important thing is that everyone needs to think about what was said and draw the right conclusions. We have experienced players who can help young players. We heard a lot of, let's say, "good" words from Andriy Yarmolenko, who is playing in the Euro for the fourth time.

- Will the hate from the fans after the first matchhelp you to tune in for the next two games?

- I think it should help. Talk is talk, but we see everything on the football field. I recall the words of my former coach, Serhiy Kovalev, who said that when one player falls out, it is difficult for the team, if two fall out, it is a disaster. So I can't say that in Romania someone dropped out of the game they planned.

I don't want to talk about our team and single out anyone who dropped out, but the Romanians were a team. That's why we need to be a team now, to take this criticism in stride, because it's football, emotions, the whole country is watching us. We need to draw the right conclusions. All 26 players must be ready to take the field and be part of the team.

- A meeting with Slovakia is ahead. Can you single out anyone from your future opponent's squad?

- I can say that I know half the team there, as we play in the same championship. Milan Škrinjar was at Inter for many years, in the middle line there is Juraj Kutska, who spent a lot of time in Italy, Ondrej Duda from Verona, Stanislav Lobotka from Napoli. These are high-level players, and you can't give them time to think on the field. They are mobile, a very good and balanced team.

We saw how they endured and fought for the result in the game against Belgium. They will be a very motivated opponent who will approach the game in a good mood. Both teams will be charged to win. As I said, we need to pay attention to these key episodes.

-Ruslan, how do you play under such pressure when you have to think not only about football but also about the war in Ukraine?

- We understand the responsibility of each of us. We really wanted to win, we continue to fight for our country. Sometimes you give everything on the football field, but you don't achieve the result. We want to do our best to make the fans proud of us after the next two matches, to see a team that gave everything for Ukraine.

-After the match with the Romanians, did you react in any way to what the fans wrote on social media?

- It's all individual. From my point of view, no one needs these apologies after such matches. It's good that we have our next match soon, we don't have to wait for it for a whole week. So we can show ourselves from the other side.

- What wereyour impressions of the atmosphere at the stadium in Munich?

- The atmosphere was football, great. This is the charm of the Euros, because all the stadiums are full, and it is a pleasure to play in such conditions. These are emotions that are not forgotten, we need to appreciate such moments.

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