Commercial Director of Dnipro-1: "What should we do? Help "Minai"?"

2024-07-09 14:39 The commercial director of Dnipro-1 Vyacheslav Fridman commented on the situation in the Dnipro team. Photo: ... Commercial Director of Dnipro-1: "What should we do? Help "Minai"?"
09.07.2024, 14:39

The commercial director of Dnipro-1 Vyacheslav Fridman commented on the situation in the Dnipro team.


- Mr. Vyacheslav, we read your interview yesterday about the current state of affairs of Dnipro-1, but one question remains. Has the UPL given the club a clear deadline, by which you should settle your problems or withdraw finally?

- The UPL sends us letters. So what? Should we withdraw now? Let them figure out which team will come in instead of us. I read that no one knows which team should come in if Dnipro-1 cannot start. There are no regulations.

I do not understand - who prevents the UPL to deal with this issue? To make such a regulation for the future. Everyone remembers the situation with Metalist 1925.

- Clubs are annoyed not only because, but also because there is no understanding of what league they should prepare for, in the case of the same "Minaya". It will not be clear without the participation of "Dnipro-1".

- So what should we do? Help "Minay"? Do we need to think for ourselves or how to help "Minai"? Let the UPL determine the club that will prepare to play instead of us.

We will withdraw now, another team will prepare instead of us, and in 10 days we will have a sponsor. Why?

We don't want to hurt anyone, but we have some chances. The whole country knows we need an investor. We've talked to a few of them, they're thinking. We have small debts to the old players, and we may have some debts to the new ones. We are trying, we are slowly closing them.

"Metalist 1925" is now trying to get to the Premier League on a big budget. And you can get in it for a few million dollars - move the team from Dnipro to another city, where it is comfortable to play now. Because in Dnipro it is not comfortable to play or live now. These matches [interrupted by anxiety] and exhausted the team, starting from the first spring tour, prevented them from taking the third place. Or maybe even second, and then the fate of the club could have been different. Why should we give up and then say, "Oh, we rushed it."

- What happened to the previous sponsors of Dnipro-1? What caused the current problems, that the funding disappeared?

- Yes, the funding of our Dnipro sponsors, who have been with us from the very beginning, disappeared. They see the situation in the city, they have financial difficulties.

We have a budget, but only until winter. Therefore, if there is no budget until summer, we will not start, so as not to spoil the championship for others.


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