"We are considering the idea of building a new modern stadium with 16-18 thousand seats" - Vorskla's vice president

2024-07-27 11:15 Vorskla Poltava's Vice President Oleh Lysak commented on the information that the club plans to build ... "We are considering the idea of building a new modern stadium with 16-18 thousand seats" - Vorskla's vice president
27.07.2024, 11:15

Vorskla Poltava's Vice President Oleh Lysak commented on the information that the club plans to build a new stadium.

Oleg Lysak

- The media reported that Vorskla intends to demolish the Butovsky stadium and build a new arena in its place. Is it true?

- I can confirm that we are currently considering the idea of building a new modern stadium with 16-18 thousand seats. We have an understanding, worked out together with the City Development Institute, that the renovation of the Vorskla Butovskyi stadium should take place without closing the existing arena.

- How did Poltava City Council react to the request of Vorskla's president to transfer Butovskyi Stadium to the club's balance sheet? When will there be a decision, what did the mayor and the deputies say?

- Of course, the issue of the main sports arena of the region may seem out of time for the city council members in this difficult time, but we are preparing for a public discussion and believe that we will find a consensus.

- Tell us about the new arena: do you have a project already, when do you plan to start, what areas are planned for the stadium?

- We have pre-design proposals. The goal is to meet the international requirements for hosting matches of the highest level, the norms of FIFA/UEFA regulations. We also plan to create the most comfortable conditions for our fans: recreation areas, playgrounds, hospitality areas, etc.

- Whose idea was it to build the new stadium, how did Kostiantyn Zhevago react to it, or was it his idea?

- Our honorary president, Kostyantyn Zhevago, is actually the generator of this idea and we are in an active dialogue on the implementation of this idea.

Andriy Piskun

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