Turkish fans once again showed savagery during the second round of the Super League match between Geztepe and Fenerbahçe.

Jose Mourinho's men won the first half with a comfortable two-goal lead (2-0). However, the joy at the stadium was overshadowed by the fact that a significant number of Canaries fans were detained at the entrance. Fenerbahce president Ali Koc wanted to go to the away end to support his own fans. However, on the way, he was hit by a flurry of garbage thrown by the opposing fans. And at some point, an unknown man in a white T-shirt knocked Koc down with a push in the back. The Fenerbahçe boss managed to avoid serious injuries and hid in the sideline room under the protection of security guards.
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The attacker has already been identified. His name is Fatih Ozkan - the man had an accreditation of a Gezpeh employee. The offender was detained and taken to the police station. By the way, at halftime, Geztepe tied the match 2-2.