Midfielder of Dynamo Kyiv Bogdan Lednev, who plays in the Hungarian Fehervar on loan, distinguished himself with debut effective actions for his current team this season.

The 24-year-old football player got into the starting lineup of Fehervar for yesterday's match of the Hungarian Championship with Kisvárda and managed to get an assistant double. First, it was Lednev who, in the 25th minute of the meeting, gave an assist to Szabolcha Shen, and in the middle of the second half, the Ukrainian in a spectacular style already assisted Lirim Kastrati, bringing him one on one with the goalkeeper with a pass through half the field.
We add that Lednev was substituted in the 69th minute of the match.
Hungarian Championship. 16th round
Fehervar - Kisvarda - 4:1 (2:0)
Goals: Shen (25, from LEDNEVA, 31), Kastrati (65, from LEDNEVA), Dardai (88) — Makovsky (62)
Assists by Bogdan Lednev in the match against Kishvarda:
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We add that Lednev played 13 matches for Fehervar this season, and until yesterday he did not differ in effective actions.