Milevsky's friend: "We bet 100 thousand hryvnias and won 130 thousand on top, but Mile was depressed..."

2024-07-04 15:19 Artem Milevsky's friend Serhiy Tretyak commented on the latest accusations of organizing match-fixing. Sergiy Tretyak and ... Milevsky's friend: "We bet 100 thousand hryvnias and won 130 thousand on top, but Mile was depressed..."
04.07.2024, 15:19

Artem Milevsky's friend Serhiy Tretyak commented on the latest accusations of organizing match-fixing.

Sergiy Tretyak and Artem Milevsky

"I've been in the betting business for 12 years, and our bookmaker often places matches of a suspicious nature, where large sums are bet. We understand that this game is not clean, but people have to pay the winnings. And in order to somehow reinsure ourselves, we rearrange these matches with our partners, i.e., other bookmakers.

Sometimes I have exclusive information, but I don't create it. I have never been involved in any kind of match-fixing, and no criminal cases have been opened against me in any country in the world. Now I'm getting a lot of hate mail. Perhaps this is because I am a friend of Milevsky's. People, not knowing me, write articles about some contract matches and so on. I have enough enemies.

What's your last interesting bet? Three days before the Euro 2024 match between Switzerland and Italy (2-0), I persuaded Milevsky to bet that Switzerland would not lose. Artem has been a fan of Italy since childhood, so this bet was not easy for him, but he understood that the Scuadra Azzurra were not in the best condition, so he took the risk. We bet 100 thousand hryvnias and won 130 thousand on top. But Mila was depressed after the game because of Italy's departure, and he wasn't even happy about the win. That's the story," Tretiak said.

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