"We are more experienced and armed. We will win!" - former Dynamo goalkeeper on the first day of the new year

2024-01-01 11:05 Former Dynamo Kyiv goalkeeper Svyatoslav Syrota wished everyone a Happy New Year, 2024. Sviatoslav Sirota "I ... "We are more experienced and armed. We will win!" - former Dynamo goalkeeper on the first day of the new year
01.01.2024, 11:05

Former Dynamo Kyiv goalkeeper Svyatoslav Syrota wished everyone a Happy New Year, 2024.

Sviatoslav Sirota

"I wish everyone a Happy New Year!

I wish us all a quick victory and a return to peaceful life! Those who are in the field - no losses and a speedy return to the Border Patrol. We all wish you victory and guardian angels! We wish you plenty of BCs.

For me, a holiday is when friends write or call from the front and you realise that they are alive. That everything is fine with them. When you ask what you need and they tell you that you don't need anything. That everything is there. Just wait for their return. Every such call or message is a holiday.

We will definitely win, it just takes time.

I always say, remember the period from February to May 2022. When nothing happened, but we survived. The enemies were destroyed near Kyiv and Kharkiv, Kherson and Chernihiv regions were liberated. We survived in the Luhansk and Donetsk regions.

And now we are more experienced and armed. We will win!

The enemy has realised that he cannot defeat us either in battle or with missiles. That's why he's trying to undermine us from within. Let's keep the line, unite with the President and the Commander-in-Chief!

Everything will be Ukraine! We believe in victory!

We honour all those who are no longer with us. Some were killed on the battlefield, some in captivity, some under terrorist rocket fire.

We will not forget anyone. The terrorists will get their comeuppance.

The prisoners will return home. We need time. Time and weapons.

We are strong, we are free, we will win!

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Defence Forces of Ukraine! Glory to the Armed Forces of Ukraine! A low bow to all those who help our soldiers, to all those who bring victory closer!

Ukraine is a country of freedom, and Ukrainians are the best example of how to defend it!

Happy New Year!" wrote Sirota on his Facebook page.

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