As it became known to, Kyiv’s “Dynamo” will spend a small portion of its training process in Lviv. This is due to the schedule of the two upcoming matches for Alexander Shovkovsky’s team.

This coming Friday, March 28, the “white-blues” will travel to Lviv on their club bus, where the next day they will play the 22nd round match of the Ukrainian championship against the local “Rukh”.
However, on April 2, another match “Rukh” – “Dynamo” will take place in the capital of Galicia, but this time as part of the quarterfinal of the Ukrainian Cup. In connection with this, the Dynamo coaching staff decided not to return to Kyiv after the first meeting with the Lviv team. The Dynamo players will return to their hometown on April 3, and until then, they will live and train in Lviv.
It should be added that both matches between “Rukh” and “Dynamo” will be held at the “Arena Lviv” stadium and will start at 18:00.