Anatoliy Bezsmertnyi: "Air raid alerts? We're used to it now"

2024-06-23 19:42 The head coach of Sumy's Victoria, Anatoliy Bezsmertnyi, told us how the team works in a ... Anatoliy Bezsmertnyi: "Air raid alerts? We're used to it now"
23.06.2024, 19:42

The head coach of Sumy's Victoria, Anatoliy Bezsmertnyi, told us how the team works in a city that is actually on the frontline.

Anatolii Bezsmertnyi (photo:

- "In almost every match, there were stoppages in the game, of course, this affects the players, coaches and fans when they are allowed to enter the stadium. We have only played a couple of matches during the whole season without air raids. On the other hand, we are in such realities that we can say we are used to it," said Bessmertnyi.

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