The Dynamo Kyiv Inside Telegram channel made it clear without words that Al-Ain midfielder Andriy Yarmolenko will soon strengthen the Dynamo Kyiv squad.
“Yesterday and today, three iconic Dynamo players stayed in Kyiv. Shevchenko, Yarmolenko, Rebrov. The last of them even attended the match with Ingulets. What else do all three have in common? Everything is simple. Each of them plans to get a job in the capital of Ukraine next year. Everyone has their own plans. And these plans are periodically featured in the media. Our prediction is simple - Shevchenko - UAF (today's election to the NOC is only the first step). Rebrov - national team. Yarmolenko is a Dynamo player + a potential position at the club in 2024," the source wrote.
Recall that Andriy Yarmolenko has a contract with the Emirates club that is valid until the summer of 2023.