Aleksandr Zinchenko: "Never call me and the Russians brothers again"

2023-06-15 08:24 Ukrainian midfielder of London's Arsenal Oleksandr Zinchenko spoke about his attitude to the Russians, who have ... Aleksandr Zinchenko: "Never call me and the Russians brothers again"
15.06.2023, 08:24

Ukrainian midfielder of London's Arsenal Oleksandr Zinchenko spoke about his attitude to the Russians, who have been waging a war of occupation against Ukraine for the second year.

Alexander Zinchenko

"Never again will I shake hands with a Russian footballer if I suddenly have such an opponent in any match. No chance!

Because I will never accept their reaction to the war, their attitude to it. Some may say that they are not doing anything against us, that they are not taking part in this war, but that's not true. They do and they take part: they do not react! It is scary to even imagine that everyone will keep quiet about the war just because he is scared of something.

And don't ever call me and the Russians brothers again, as it was in the past. That will never happen again now!" Zinchenko said on Piers Morgan Uncensored.

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